(2) more CHAMPIONS added to growing family! GCHB KORPPRET'S GYPSY WOMAN (aka) KATY is our newest Bronze Champion AND is going to have a puppy or two (hopefully more) around the middle of August. She was bred to CH Centurian Zeck the Nightwatcher. If interested in a puppy, email me.
I will be posting a picture of Katy receiving her Bronze championship
ALSO, in the news is CH KORPPRET'S KNOCK THREE TIMES (aka) ABBY, is our newest champion at year & half old. She loves to show and really strutted her stuff while in the ring & was a joy to show. I will be posting a picture of Abby
AND, just received from Karen Laubengayer that GCH KORPPRET'S GOIN' DOWN TO LOUISIANA (aka) Sophie, received a GROUP 3, INTERNATIONAL SHOWS at Purina Farms. CONGRATULATIONS, Karen!

Sophie and Katy are litter mates and Abby is Katy's daughter. While writing this, can't leave out Mom/Grandma with "atta girl" to GCH DREAMS OF FALCONS V KORPPRET , (aka) Ellie, going reserve BIS VETERAN at an International show. KATY going BIS at UKC and BIS BRED BY, at International. CH KORPPRET'S I LOVE PARKER, a son, going BIS at a International show! WOW! What a nice family!